Less Than 5 Finals

2023 Global Online Qualifier Results

Results are in for the first round of the 2023 Less Than 5 online qualifier. Each of the 5 heats showed some incredible talent and personal touches to their lines. In following with this year’s rules the below played out accordingly. Thank you to everyone that entered and we look forward to the online final and live event soon!

Heat 1
Trent Stuckey = 82
Fredrico Dal Lago = 80
Brandon Lee = 77
Shion Takaiwa = 76
Miles Wheeler = 70

Heat 2 
Derek Cook = 82
Max Saia = 81
Nick Fernandez = 79
Gavin Giglio = 75
Eddie Roberts = 74

Heat 3                         
Jackson Schoep = 85
Gavin Stuckey = 82
Beaux Wildman = 79
Leon Takaiwa = 78
Drew de Armas = 74

Heat 4                         
Tarah Mikacich = 80
Kirby Leismann = 78
Cale Pilska = 76
Hudson Haynie = 75

Heat 5
Adam fields = 80
Cody Hunnicutt = 79
JK Mullins = 78
Stefano Comolo = 75